Current Issue

No 8 (2020): Aula de Lletres Valencianes. Revista Valenciana de Filologia
Aula de Lletres Valencianes - Revista Valenciana de Filologia, núm. 8 (2020)

The Valencian language and economy. Vicent Soler, 23. An inaccurate translation: the Gospel of Saint Marc according to Joan F. Mira. Antoni López Quiles, 51. What is ahead of plurilingualism? An evolutionist outlook. Ferran Suay, 97. Pedagogy and theoretical bases of linguistics (sentence, name and flexion) in a Compulsory Secundary. Lucia Aranda Martí, 107.  A linguistic analysis of standard Valencian in public media. Alexandre X. Ordaz Dengra 203. “MiL Classroom”: Reading and writing. Crisòstoma Morilla Garcia, 271. RESET, when memory is lost. A learning experience in reading comprehension strategies. Lurdes Aracil, Àngela Girona, Juan Carlos Rico i Pere Soriano, 283.  Reading promotion in an adult school classroom. Mònica Richart García, 295. Estellés: “t’estime, t’estimo, t’estim” (“I love you” in Valencian, Catalan and Balearic). A proposal for intertextuality, linguistics, literature and music in the last year of Batxillerat (Spanish non-compulsory high school). Anna Jorquera Castro, 349. Learning Valencian: integration, cooperation between native Valencian and migrants. Abelard Saragossà, 369. A very lively book: El carrer de Sant Onofre (“Sant Onofre Street”). Abelard Saragossà, 377.

Published: 2023-02-08

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